WiT NEW AND EXCITING Mentoring Program Launch!
Join us and unlock, create and capture value and apply it to your life and career

We invite you to join us for a networking evening to hear about our 2018 Mentoring Program which has been designed to unlock, create and capture value and apply it to your life and career. The event will also feature a special keynote address on the 'Future of Work' (speaker to be announced shortly).
This 12 week program is delivered in partnership with Business Models Inc an international strategy and business design agency helping organisations design better businesses and who posses unique capabilities in designing and facilitating strategic conversations and emphasising ‘action orientation’.
We have developed canvases and tools that optimise workshop time and are helpful visual aids for participants. The workshop content will rely on an extensive library of human-centred tools, approaches and methods developed over time. Whether participants are great at talking but resistant to writing, or quiet communicators but brilliant ideators, we are able to employ the right workshop method.
Creating a Community of Practice we will host mentors and mentees online and offline in a social environment to build a deeper ‘community of practice’. We have developed structured activities to guide participants and build serendipity throughout. We will also dive into the mental models including blockers and enablers.
A successful mentoring program is a two-way street that respects the time and value of a mentor, while ensuring alignment between the roles and responsibilities of both the mentor and mentee. This is a unique partnership built on trust and must ensure clear communication of expectations, objectives and timeframes upfront.
Your program facilitators
Michael Eales, Partner - is an experienced strategy designer with 15+ years experience applying strategic foresight and business model design at the front end of complex innovation projects. Michael draws on a background in economics, information technology, banking, investment and insurance services.
As a strategy designer and Stanford Certified Project Manager, his interests in design thinking and systems thinking have been applied to complex client projects in public policy, financial services, legal services, consumer goods, media, tourism, telecom, manufacturing, healthcare and education. He regularly works with venture-backed startups through leading accelerators and incubators. Complimenting this work, Michael is a regular key note speaker on potential futures, and has taught courses, facilitated workshops, and judged competitions at a number of institutions and organisations.
Laura Lukin, Designer - possesses strong interdisciplinary skill sets that have led to a dynamic career across education, design and built environment industries. Laura has worked in customer-centered environments for vocational education and training, multi-disciplinary design firm and member based organisations in Not-for-Profit and Private sectors.
Laura is an effective communicator and efficient networker, building opportunities and encourages active participation through design of events and programs.
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