WiT Mentoring Program - Mentee Workshop
Join us and unlock, create and capture value and apply it to your life and career

Embark on a 12-week interactive journey where you will build upon your skills with a carefully matched Mentor who will guide and help unpack your greatest asset – you!
Connect with your purpose – the intersection of your passion, mission, profession and vocation in order to unlock, create and capture value and apply it to your life and your career.
We have created a Community of Practice with weekly activities to keep you and your Mentor engaged throughout the process and connect with the greater cohort through shared learning and reflective practice.
What will be covered in the workshop:
- Introduction to the program
- What to expect
- Role of Mentee
- Goals, Vision & Aspiration
- Complete a Business Model Canvas
After completion of the workshop, there will be moments to come together and connect as well as share your stories and journey with a concluding breakfast event.
Note: you cannot take part in the program unless you complete this workshop. Once booked and paid an email will be sent to you with a link to complete an Application Questionnaire.
See further details of program outline and commitment here.
Your program facilitators
Michael Eales, Partner - is an experienced strategy designer with 15+ years experience applying strategic foresight and business model design at the front end of complex innovation projects. Michael draws on a background in economics, information technology, banking, investment and insurance services.
As a strategy designer and Stanford Certified Project Manager, his interests in design thinking and systems thinking have been applied to complex client projects in public policy, financial services, legal services, consumer goods, media, tourism, telecom, manufacturing, healthcare and education. He regularly works with venture-backed startups through leading accelerators and incubators. Complimenting this work, Michael is a regular key note speaker on potential futures, and has taught courses, facilitated workshops, and judged competitions at a number of institutions and organisations.
How to find venue (D Block Room 214): https://www.qut.edu.au/about/campuses-and-facilities/gardens-point-campus/maps-and-getting-here
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