Learn, Discover, Discuss & Network
Poorly managed change impacts team wellbeing and business productivity every day. Leaders who understand how to manage and support change can reduce the daily disruption and build better working relationships for the long term.
Leading change can feel complex and uncomfortable, with many different responses to change. Join us to expand your ability as a change leader and build practical skills to perceive and manage the responses around you to achieve better outcomes.
Learn how to assess the impact of change for your workplace, (including new psychosocial safety considerations), plan and prepare support for your team, and understand how to adapt and adjust your approach as you progress.
Key Learning Outcomes
- Identify and assess the impacts of incoming changes
- Prepare and plan for change
- Effectively support and communicate during change
- Adapt and adjust your change leadership
Key Dates
Enrolment closes 1st October 2024
Pre-work commences 2nd October 2024
Virtual Interactive Session Delivery
Workshops are 90 minutes in duration and fortnightly between 10:00 - 11:30am (AEST)
- Session #1: Change Impact and Risk (Friday 18th October)
- Session #2: Preparing and Planning for Change (Wednesday 30th October)
- Session #3: Communicating and Supporting in Change (Wednesday 13th November)
- Session #4: Adaptive Change Leadership (Wednesday 27th November)
This is a 10-week intensive program with readings and activities prior to each of the live sessions. The readings and activities should take 1-2 hours per week and are designed to enhance your learning so that you are prepared for the live sessions.
Starts Wed Oct 16 2024, 10:00am AEST
Ends Wed Nov 27 2024, 11:30am AEST
Click here for more information and to book
WiT members who have signed up for free reciprocal membership will be eligible for a discounted member only price!
Not a member yet? Sign up here, for free before enrolling to receive your discount! Click Here for details.
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